"Good technology should solve a problem or improve a previous solution"~ Some guy

The Problem:

We all know that the hardest part of creating something is naming it.

Though I could use ChatGPT, ChatGPT among other LLMs lack creativity when it comes to naming stuff:

 I can guarantee that most of those names will pop up if you search. And, usually if you want to name your stuff after a real word or phrase it's already taken.

The Solution:

I came up with this to name my projects a bit more creatively.

Instead of naming it "Name Generator" or "The Stuff Namer"(like originally planned), I let it name itself, and clicked through until it generated "Jomoopu" of which I dropped the "u".

What is "this" though?

It's a name generator that picks a number between 2 and 10 and then randomly generates that many syllables.

I originally had it as a c# program, but decided to translate it to ts (to the best of my abilities), so I could post it here for public use and ease of accessibility.

Published 4 days ago

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